Question needed to answer
-there is reason to make special mention of and reason distinguish with women and may be participate in some.
*The first ten reason conversation to women and may be men participate in some:
1:Inadvertence about intend and don't calculation recompense and you leave eat or drink and leave appetite for ALLAH.
2:Negligence five prayer and late them from her time and performance it in laziness.
3:Staying up at night it is great reason to lose RMADAN because a lot of women staying up at night to talk about other.
4:Targe of sluggishness and laziness and sleep all day long.
5:Loss time in diversity in food.
6:Listen to prohibited singing .
7:Watsh serial tv.
8:talking in telephone for backbiting and tattling.
9: Toilet in going out to market.
10: Negligence in teaching kids.
*Ten reason conversation men:
1:Don't performance prayer in group.
2: Barbershop and sitting regret become reason to lose RMADAN.
3: Loitering in the street and market for harming people.
4: annoyance girls in market or telephone.
5: sitting with companions who ill-nature
6: smoke and prohibited things.
7: negligence in functional work.
8: ignorant righteous of RMADAN.
9: inadvertence from death and forget it.
10: neglect in supererogatory performance.
* We should making solution to this problems in order to lose RMADAN.